Sunday, May 1, 2011

Froyo Addict

One of the things I ask Drew to help me with is monitoring my intake of ice cream to prevent me from inhaling sickening tubfuls of the creamy crack. However, often I go into a sugary rage whenever he tries to enforce moderation and threatens to part me from frozen deliciousness as I try to stuff more down my gullet. His persistent care for me and my health deserves awards, because he continues to help me deal with my addiction despite my countless attempts to jab his hand away with pink plastic spoons as I defend my cup of bliss from being taken away.

However! As Drew is not here, one of the very few upsides of his absence is unrestricted froyo. Though any day is a good day for froyo, it was especially indicated because after running 10 miles, froyo has been shown to help heal sore muscles and joints. This data is based on anecdotal evidence of one froyo addict and newbie runner. Benefits have also been shown to increase as you add more toppings...

This mundane entry was due to the fact that Drew did not do much of anything Sunday. Bars and shops were visited, but not much else. There's much more excitement planned for tomorrow.

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