Drew got to spend some time at Fusionopolis! The building was very impressive. There are lots of new things going on at the Fusionopolis complex other than research including LucasFilms constructing an eight story building for their production, appropriately called Sandcrawler Building. Googling reveals some of the amazing other aspects of this building including shopping, fitness, theaters, restaurants, condos... very futuristic.
Photo of Fusionopolis (stolen off the web.)
Nice view out of Fusionopolis. Weather was hot and muggy.
Meeting for everyone and their laptops.
Drew had uninspiring Indian food and pizza. Don't worry, Drew, we will make up for it when you get back with some Scilia's!
Meanwhile, there has been some excitement in my life too! When I woke up this morning, my refrigerator temp was a toasty 60 degrees, perfect weather conditions for encouraging bacterial procreation at peak exponential growth. Just what I like on my food, a layer of toxins.
I had complained about my fridge FOR MONTHS when its temps hovered between 45-50 degrees at its coldest setting (FDA recommends below 42 degrees), but management would not do anything. Finally this was my chance! Using my wonderful new camera (thanks, Drew and family!) I took a picture of the thermometer, blew it up to 8.5x11, printed the evidence, taped it to the door, called management and went to class.
SUCCESS!! I have never been more excited walking into my apartment than when I saw THE NEW FRIDGE. And all it took was months of bickering with managment while gambling with my digestive durability eating possibly unsafe food. I can finally buy dairy products once again!
Exciting, right?!
RIP Mr. Mouse.